Sub Judul

"Because no human is perfect... place to learn and enjoy words, phrases and sentences"

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012


Name : Amirul Husna
Nim : A320090156
Class : D

Discourse Study
     A discourse study is a process of comprehending the situation or context within the text. It is a study about finding the meaning, intention or purpose of the communicative act which is based on situation as the reference. One of it aspect is analyzing the coherent so that the text can be accepted. On the text, the form of the sentence, the structure of the text and grammar is correct it does not guarantee that the meaning of text is acceptable. Somehow we need to know the elements of discourse within the text in order to get the true meaning of it.
     There are so many definition of discourse such as:
“A continuous stretch of (especially spoken) language larger than sentence, often consisting a coherent unit, such as a sermon, argument joke or narrative.”(Crystal, 1992:25)

“Interpretation of communicative event in context.”(Nunan, 1993:6-7)

     So, discourse is an interpretation of language on the communicative event which is provided in the form of language stretch (larger than sentence) and often contains a coherent unit.
     A discourse study helps to find out whether the text is make sense or not, by finding the true meaning from the context, it can relates the elements of the text into one coherence and acceptable.